Saturday, September 25, 2010

Guns Don't Kill People, Bravery Does

"For men of understanding do not say the the sword is to blame for murder, nor wine for drunkenness, nor strength for outrage, nor courage for foolhardiness, but they lay the blame on those who make and improper use of the gifts which have been bestowed upon them by God, and punish them accordingly." -John Chrysostom

There is this ongoing debate about what the Founding Fathers intended by the 2nd Amendment.  I just find it ignorant than to assume that they indented anything else other than simply this:

Americans have the right to...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

They knew well the difference between a military and a private militia.  They have separate purposes, and anyone that calls that into question is what I like to call ignorant.  A militia is allowed to prevent treachery of government, and the right to keep and bear (which I will come back to) arms is to allow the populace to protect themselves and family in whatever way seems best to them.

On the subject of proper role of state government, they are then required to teach the constitution and ethics (which are universal and primarily, although not exclusively, Christian), as well as all other matters that pertain to a well educate populace, capable of voting well, and engaging properly in civilized society.  So then when I say a person is allowed to protect themselves and their family, it is with the assumption that the state is educating a rational, and ethically grounded populace.  Now I don't believe that the populace should be deprived their right because the government is failing it's role, but rather the government MUST re-concert its efforts in the interest of domestic tranquility.

Many studies have shown that a decrease in classical education has lead to an increase in violence.  People blame murders on guns, and increase the police force to tame actions.  An intelligent person, or, as Chrysostom says a "man of understanding" would change the content of the minds of the populace, and eliminate the call to police actions (which is not to lessen my belief in the importance of police officers, I have the utmost respect for those in Blue, I am merely stating that we could help make their lives safer).  We must capture the education system in the United States and lead the world in Academic excellence, and we must preserve our right to keep and bear arms, our future depends on these things!

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