In a recent Politico article I heard a staggering truth. The recent tragedy in Arizona may in fact soften the rhetoric surrounding the health care bill repeal. I am terrified that this could mean that legislators that must go after this unconstitutional and anti-American piece of legislation may become a sooth-sayers when America's hour of need is at a climax.
Our nation is in the throws of collapse; economically, morally, and philosophically. The President has been quoted as saying his job is merely "slowing American decay." He has the makings of a typical Windy City politician, heavy on the windy! He has still not produced evidence he's even native born. I don't understand why all of this has just been brushed under the carpet but I am so concerned with every day he is allowed to continue in the office of President. I still cannot understand why people like Obama are thrown to the front of the stage. The American people have had nothing but poor choices every election time since Clinton. I would have loved to see a tussle last season between a man like Russ Feingold and John Thune, American patriots, and brilliant political personalities. When will politicians begin to win again in stead of hack celebrities?
All that aside this whole tragedy in Arizona is a colossal prestige to three bigger issues. As humans we must all learn to look through all of the media hype: this shooting was not the logical conclusion of poor gun laws, or the natural overflow of an enraged right wing nut job. This shooting was the result of three relatively disjointed issues that just so happened to culminate in the life of one man.
The first issue is that of the larger distraction this has created during a pivotal time in American history, when the health care bill must be repealed for the health of the American state. Allow the family of this judge to mourn his death in peace, and don't make this into something its not. This is not in any way anti second amendment fodder, nor is it anywhere close to as political as we have tried to make it. This is very simply an unstable man making a poor decision. Don't place blame anywhere other than on Jared Lee Laughner.
The second is the lack of comprehensive immigration reform. Judge Roll and Congresswoman Gifford's lives would have been a lot easier, and far less subversive if we were to legislate SIGNIFICANT comprehensive immigration reform. I'm talking about revisiting absolutely every single immigration law and policy, burning them, and authoring a system that really addresses every immigration issue facing our country today. May we again open our golden doors and proclaim along with Lady Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
The third, and most important issue, is that of educational Nihilism in primary and secondary schools. Children are being brought up in a culture where parents do not participate in their children's academic lives. The youth are not learning the constitution, and they are not learning values or ethics. The radical left, in particular the educated atheists, extracted God and ethics from the education system. The youth of today are raised with no knowledge of classical virtue or essential ethics. Because they see no value in absolute truth, they see no value in teaching it to children. Alexis de Tocqueville said that in 1831 he could converse intelligibly with the average American youth about the most complex precepts of the Constitution. In those days were were raising generations of brilliant virtuous civil servants, today we are raising future tragedies. I assert that people that have been well trained in ethics have the ability to discern between right and wrong ideas, and could have saved Roll's life.
If the radical atheist population is allowed to continue its reign in education, wiping God from the places He's needed most, might I suggest that children receive increased amounts of civics courses and classical ethics? I know of no person that could deny the elevated stature of the classical virtues. The instruction of the youth in fortitude, temperance, prudence, justice, and charity are shared by ALL decent human beings. They were what the great nations of the past were founded on, and no person worth listening to could disagree with these tenants.
In the words of the great Rob Bell "this is really about that."
WELP. Bagley started following my blog, and by the power invested in networking, here I am -- having found yours. The only question is, "Which do I follow?" Sometime soon, I will have to peruse and make some decisions.
ReplyDeleteFor now, I'll say this: You WOULD have 8 blogs.